
Dollars must flow if numbers to grow

Debate about Australia’s population is framed with national aggregates and ignores how local governments deal with increased population. Part of the reason Australians are averse to more people is because local councils are ill equipped to absorb them and many are forcing residents to pay for them. […]

Business Spectator

European fabric frayed at the edges

Amid the noise of the euro rescue summit last week, one important announcement received very little attention. This is surprising since it was a strategic message from Europe’s only real tiger economy, which grew by more than 8 per cent last year, and has a population of more than 73 million people. It was an announcement from the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. […]


No free speech free zones

Open societies need a free exchange of ideas, however unpleasant and offensive they may be to some. Freedom of speech is empty and meaningless if you may only say what other people like to hear. […]


Growing anger in local government

Population growth has been one of the major political debates during the past two years. However (and despite all the federal noise around population growth) Canberra is not the place where the debate belongs.

Business Spectator

Paying dearly for European insanity

Everything that’s wrong with Europe, it was on display in Canberra last week. Economic questions are treated as political ones; high hopes have to pass as strategies; utopias are considered realities. And if you harbour any doubts about whether all of this makes sense you better keep them to yourself. For otherwise you leave the sphere of what is officially sanctioned as respectable and politically correct politics. […]

The Australian

The PC empire strikes back

When a society can no longer seriously debate political issues, controversial as they may be, it is not just a blow to freedom of speech. It also undermines a nation’s capacity for economic reform. Truths may sometimes be painful and feelings may be hurt, but a society that cannot stand vigorous debate risks becoming stale and stagnant. […]


Local councils deserve a better financial deal

For a new report, we recently surveyed all of Australia’s local councils. We wanted to find out how they perceived the financial consequences of catering for more people. We also asked them about their responses, and what they thought of their revenue-raising capabilities. […]

The Australian

A bad time to damage our economy as the next stage of the GFC looms

Domestic debates pale into insignificance in comparison with the financial storm that is brewing on the horizon. Why are we even contemplating new taxes that damage our international competitiveness at a time of the utmost economic uncertainty? Australia may have been an island of tranquillity post Lehman, but for how much longer? […]

Research reports

Australia’s Angry Mayors

To understand the effects of a growing population on Australia’s councils, CIS surveyed local authorities from all over the country. The results are alarming. The level of frustration with inadequate finance for required infrastructure upgrades is high, and population growth is the reason behind rate hikes. Local government finance reform is overdue. […]