
A passionate politician

Almost a century ago, the great sociologist Max Weber defined the ideal politician in his lecture Politics as a Vocation. As Bill English just announced his retirement from politics, we may well measure his record by Weberian standards. […]


Congratulations, New Zealand

New Zealanders can be proud that after an agonising month of politics, our political culture eventually delivered a dignified transition of power. It is testament to the strength and vitality of our democracy and institutions. […]

Research reports

Quiet Achievers: The New Zealand Path to Reform

Do today’s politicians have the courage to make hard choices? Or has the furious pace of modern politics put an end to the age of reform? While Australia has been avoiding difficult decisions, the New Zealanders have been silently forging ahead. […]

The Australian

NZ finance minister puts Swan to shame

Ultimately, fiscal management is about choices: choices made according to principle and responding to circumstance. Swan made easy but poor choices, while English made difficult but sensible choices. As a result, New Zealand’s public finances are in good shape, and the Kiwi economy looks forward to continuing its healthy growth rates. […]

National Business Review

The real budget challenge

Make no mistake about it: New Zealand’s enduring economic viability depends upon the government’s ability to demography-proof public finances. And on living up to this task depends the Prime Minister’s historic legacy. […]