Business Spectator

A plan that will damage Europe

You would think that the transformation of the European Union into a transfer union, the extension of the rescue facility for the continent’s fragile currency by a few hundred billion dollars, and new policy dictates to struggling economies like Greece would be of some interest to the wider public.


Болезненото сбогуване на Европа – поглед отвън

Европа е континент в криза. Финансовите проблеми на много европейски държави станаха очевидни, когато през май 2010 г. Гърция едва се спаси от фалит. Оттогава се появиха много неприятни данни за държавните финанси в Европа, които оказват натиск върху единната европейска валута – еврото. […]

Business Spectator

Belgium’s debt bomb is ticking

Belgium is famous for its waffles, chocolates and beers. But it seems that the country is no longer content with just culinary recognition. Belgians are now chasing a veritable world record: they want to be the country with the longest post-election negotiations. […]

Business Spectator

A crisis eating away at Europe’s freedom

Europe’s moral credibility hangs in the balance after Hungary enacted a law to limit press freedom. As Hungary also happens to hold the rotating EU presidency for the first six months of 2011, this is more than just an acute embarrassment for the EU. It calls into question the very foundations the European project is built on. […]

Business Spectator

Estonia should have listenened to Marx

Other European countries could learn a thing or two from both Estonia’s previous economic reforms and its tough but successful austerity policies. If Europe became a bit more like its latest eurozone member, everyone would be a winner. But does this sound even remotely likely? […]

The Australian

EU fails to grasp nettle of a continent in crisis

The economic imbalances within Europe have become too great, particularly regarding productivity differences. In order to correct them, it would be desirable for some countries to be able to devalue their own currencies. Instead of trying to keep such nations within the monetary corset of the euro at all costs, the EU should allow them to depart. None of these sensible options were even on the table at the Brussels summit. […]


Europe’s self-inflicted crisis

To superficial observers, this week’s European summit in Brussels will look like any other high-level conference. Prime ministers, chancellors and presidents will rub shoulders, pose for photographers, and dally with waiting journalists. Once again it will all seem a bit like a school reunion. But the pretty pictures of smiling politicians cannot conceal that the continent is in crisis and the European Union is falling apart. […]

Business Spectator

A fundamental Euro flaw

On a philosophical level, Europe’s crisis can be interpreted as a practical lesson in the errors of constructivism. It shows what happens if grown economic and social structures are wilfully ignored and replaced by systems designed in academic ivory towers and the backrooms of power. […]

Business Spectator

Trichet’s prize for shredding Europe

Charlemagne not only entered the history books as the great unifier of Europe. He also established a stable, silver-backed currency whose weight units survived for more than a millennium in many countries. Giving a prize in Charlemagne’s name to a person complicit in the rapid debasement of a paper currency is another bitter-sweet European irony. […]