The Australian

PM’s hero a neo-lib

Neo-liberalism is a far richer, more thoughtful concept than it is mostly perceived today. To those criticising neo-liberalism today, the answer may well be just that: we need more of this kind of neo-liberalism that sets a good framework for a free economy. What we would need less of is only the rhetorical abuse of neo-liberalism for political purposes.

Research reports

Neoliberalism: The Genesis of a Political Swearword

Neoliberalism is one of the most commonly used words in political debates. Despite this, the origins of neoliberalism are hardly known. Nor does there appear to be a generally accepted definition of the term. The original inventors of the word ‘neoliberalism’ had something completely different in mind. Their philosophy was a reasiong to the Great Depression of the 1930s. As such it was meant to show a ‘Third way’ between capitalism and socialism. Today’s critics of neoliberalism have more in common with neoliberalism than they may think. […]