Sydney Morning Herald

Why world must take interest in our boom

It is appropriate for the society’s international members to visit Australia. Its position of economic strength owes a lot to Hayekian ideas of freedom, competition and discovery. Australia remains one of the best case studies on the power of market-based reforms. […]


Welcome to Australia

Let there be no doubt that Australia is as good a place as you can find on this planet. Whatever you’re looking for, you can find it right here. […]


That fabled ‘Big Australia’

Unfortunately, the commission’s ‘Big Australia’ report alloweth only one conclusion. It is with deepest regret that we commend to order Captain Arthur Phillip to turn back his fleet and set sail for England, our green and pleasant land. […]


State the obvious in big Australia debate

For Australia as a nation, population growth is an opportunity. Many other developed nations in Europe and Japan would love to swap their problems of population ageing and shrinking for our task of dealing with growth. But we need to ensure that our growth is properly managed. Fixing the relation between Canberra and the states is a necessary first step. […]

Business Spectator

The small Australia nightmare

As one of the very few rich countries that still has a young and growing population, Australia should embrace this opportunity and continue to grow. Other countries may well abolish themselves but Australia should not. […]


Konkurrenz um Indien

Indien — das ist ein Land, das ich bislang nur von meist nächtlichen Überflügen kenne, wenn ich wieder einmal zwischen meiner ersten Heimat Europa und meiner zweiten Heimat Australien unterwegs bin. Auch wenn ich das Land selbst nicht kenne, so kenne ich doch genügend Inder. Und getroffen habe ich sie weniger in Europa, dafür umso mehr in Australien. […]


Economists should learn some history

Economists should take the time to ask themselves what they can learn from the events of the past three years. If they were honest with themselves, they would conclude that many of them had been too optimistic about their ability to predict the future with certainty. They would have to confess that the world is too messy a place to be expressed in models of ‘general equilibrium’ or ‘perfect competition’. […]


A Monopoly for our times

The updated Monopoly promises to be great fun for all the family – once they have worked through the thousands of pages of game instructions. Happy 75th birthday, Monopoly! […]

Business Spectator

The failure of German banking

Despite positive economic data recently reported from Germany, the country’s financial crisis is far from over. On the contrary, it could re-emerge any minute. For the rest of the world, the German public banking disaster at least holds one lesson: politicians are no better at running banks than traditional bankers. […]