National Business Review

Opposition power plan unplugged

As economists are aware, regulating network industries is fiendishly difficult. No matter where you stand on the single-buyer model and whether it could be made to work, shocking markets and investors with populist proposals (provoking equally populist responses) is not the way to go about it. […]


How serious are the Greens about their energy proposal?

To link the debate about the best market structure for the electricity sector to the question of executive pay makes one wonder how sincere the Greens really are about their proposals. Are they driven by the wish to develop and discuss good economic policy? Or is it only about scoring political points? […]

Business Spectator

Fire and ice on Europe’s debt march

At the moment, the only countries able to function with the euro are those of the healthier euro core. They should allow the other eurozone members to depart from monetary union. Otherwise we will never be able to see some actual green shoots in Europe. […]

National Business Review

The real budget challenge

Make no mistake about it: New Zealand’s enduring economic viability depends upon the government’s ability to demography-proof public finances. And on living up to this task depends the Prime Minister’s historic legacy. […]

Business Spectator

What have the corporates ever done for Europe?

Despite having some of the world’s greatest companies, Europeans still wonder what these have ever done for them. They will find out the answer the day that some of these despised corporates decide to get out of anti-corporate Europe. […]

Business Spectator

Defanged by division: why the anti-euros can’t win

It is evident that the euro does not work. It is even clearer that the policies to save it are a complete and utter failure. So why are the Europeans still putting up with a perma-crisis instead of sending their political leadership into collective early retirement? […]