Business Spectator

The currency union that’d drag Australia south

If you really can’t help yourself and desperately yearn for a currency union between Australia and New Zealand against all odds, then at least you should also include Papua New Guinea. Simply because every failing monetary union deserves its Greece. […]

Business Spectator

No olive branch for a European comedy

Whether there have to be single-use oil canisters on European restaurant tables or not may not be the biggest question for the world economy today. But to watch the European Union dealing with it in such an overly-bureaucratic way, one may well be concerned for the future of the European economy – not just in olive-growing countries. […]


Wellington is alive

It is often said that nobody voluntarily moves to Wellington, but after a few weeks here hardly anyone wants to leave it. It certainly was like this for me. […]

Business Spectator

Is Germany edging towards the exit?

The Bundesbank and the German constitutional court are confronting and challenging the ECB, and such a conflict cannot just be moderated away. Eventually, the Germans will need to come clear on where they want to take the eurozone. […]