
The global importance of local government

Throughout most of human history, cities were the dominant force of political affairs. From the very first cities of Mesopotamia in the seventh millennium BC, to Athens and Rome, and the city states of the Middle Ages, cities drove the development of political affairs, of culture, of democracy, of finance, of the arts, of education. History was made in and by these cities. […]

Business Spectator

Europe’s new ‘liability’ union

It could be quite a rude awakening after the September 22 election. An unsuspecting German public will quickly find out the real state of the euro, how much saving it will cost and what share of banking losses Germany’s savers and taxpayers will have to take in the euro periphery. […]


Cash no longer king?

Recent news about government agencies’ regular surveillance activities makes you appreciate the areas in which our lives cannot be monitored. Cash may no longer be king, but it is a little piece of freedom we carry in our wallets. […]

National Business Review

Bilateral trade deals create winners and losers

Bilateral deals such as TPP and TTIP complicate the world trade situation and create concrete winners and losers. Whereas free trade allows different hm to compete across national boundaries and allows countries with different absolute and comparative advantages to benefit, competing protectionist blocks trade on political and economic clout. […]

Business Spectator

A euro crisis on German ice

General elections are meant to pick a government and election campaigns to discuss the most important issues facing a country. If that’s your definition of an election, you may wonder whether Germany is really heading to the polls on September 22. […]


In terms of badly used English

A few years ago, my pet hates in the English language were narrowly defined. They were the handful of words and phrases football star David Beckham typically uttered when reporters courageously interviewed him. ‘You know’, ‘like’ and my personal favourite, ‘like, you know’ were chief among them. […]

National Business Review

The man who ruined a government

Sometimes Australia seems an odd country indeed. Kevin Rudd’s elevation to the Australian Labor Party (ALP) leadership last week after three years spent undermining his own leader, colleagues and political party, is the latest astonishing development. […]

Business Spectator

Young and restless: Europe’s lost generation

For the fate of Europe’s youth to change, Europe must change.

By throwing a little money at the problem of youth unemployment and giving some nebulous guarantees, the EU’s leaders have just made clear that such genuine change will not happen anytime soon. […]